I have decided that I'm behind on scrubbing the house.
Sure I clean every week and always trying to keep things
neat and in their place. But deep cleaning is needed. Maybe
it's OCD kicking in.
Last night while Garry was working on the lawn, I was
upside down in the den. Every thing that I could move
was in the middle of the floor.
After 2 hours everything was wiped and clean and floors mopped.
I would love to sit here on the computer or watch tv, but I'm in the mood
to clean and rid anything I have not used since we moved in the house.
Sure, I worked today and I'm tired from dealing with charts and unpacking
more boxes (office it being updated with carpet and wallpaper) but I love
a clean house!
Tonight it's my closet, Goodwill here I come.
~ Cheryl ~
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