Saturday, March 01, 2014

Mom Falling

My oldest sister Vickie stopped by mom's house with
dinner. That's when we learned that she had fallen.

She was working in the yard and fell over a tree root.

I really give her a good lecture about calling me,
so this will not happen again.  She said that she felt
silly for falling and didn't want to say anything.

I'm so thankful that nothing was broken and she
was conscious the entire time.

~ Cheryl ~


Country Whispers said...

Poor thing. That looks like it hurts but I guess at least she didn't break any bones. The bruises will fade way quicker than a bone will heal.

Patty Sumner said...

Oh my goodness Cheryl.. she looks like she is in pain...bless her heart.. Thank God she did not injure herself further.. so glad no bones broken.. She is one tough gal. Bruises heal but I am sure her pride is hurting more...Take care of her as I know you will. Blessings!

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