Thursday, February 27, 2014


I have to stay that tele-markers get under my skin.

They always call at wrong times and if I want to
purchase or donate, I will contact them.

Today I learned that mom had fallen and not told anyone.
This upset me and as soon as I walked in the house my
cell phone started ringing.

Card member services is all I allowed her to say.
I started yelling and screaming at her.
"This is my mobile and don't you ever call me again"

I knew the call was tele-marketing since I use our home
phone number for all finance contacts.

I have never been one to yell, but today was her day. 
Garry even said me "Who was that".

Again I went online and registered all the cell phones under
the do not call. It may work or not, but it's done anyway.

Do you sit and listen to tele-markers when they call?

(more on mom tomorrow, she's scraped and bruised, but ok)

~ Cheryl ~

1 Comment:

Country Whispers said...

I get so mad when these people call. Lately we have been getting 3 or 4 a day so I guess I need to sign back up on the Do Not Call list too!
Hope your Mom mends quickly.

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